不锈钢焊丝对原材料的材质要求非常高,通过精益的工艺制造,耐蚀性好,优良的机械性,*符合国内和国际行业标准,并以其高质量、高稳定焊接性能被众多造船、化工、汽车、炼油、电站等企业采用。 不锈钢焊丝ER308 Insruction: The ER308 welding wires consists mainly of 18Cr-8Ni.It coordinates with the stainless steel alkaline sintered flux SJ601.It is welding line metal has good mechanical properties and resitance ability to intergranular corrosion and crack.It would not increase Si or C and would little Cr and Ni. Use: It’s widely used to weld materials in many industries like petrochemical industry,such as 12Cr18Ni9 (SuS302) and 06Cr19Ni10(SuS304). The technical datas of ER308 stainless steel welding wires Item C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo P S Cu Standard ≤0.80 1.00-2.50 0.03-0.65 19.50-22.00 9.00-11.00 ≦0.75 ≦0.03 ≦0.03 ≦0.75 Test 0.040 1.80 0.31 20.15 9.52 0.43 0.013 0.008 0.34 Reference current Dia(mm) ◎0.8 ◎1.0 ◎1.2 ◎1.6 ◎2.0 ◎2.5 ◎3.2 Welding current(A) 70-150 100-200 140-220 50-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 Classification TIG welding wires ◎1.0mm ◎1.2mm ◎1.6mm ◎2.0mm ◎2.5mm ◎3.0mm ◎3.2mm ◎4.0mm MIG welding wires ◎0.8mm ◎1.0mm ◎1.2mm ◎1.6mm 一一一一一一 Package Wires Stick D100 D200 D270 D300 L=1000mm L=1000mm Net weight:1kg Net weight:5kgs Net Weight:15kgs 15 or 20kgs N/w:5kgs Net weight:10kgs